Bedroom Styling with Plants

Styling your bedroom with fluffy pillows and comfy bed linens, candles, and soft lighting is a must! Adding a grouping of bedroom plants often gets forgotten. 

Not all bedrooms are created equal. Some have lots of light flow; others have lots of space to be creative. And still, others are in a studio in an open space. So we’ll give you some ideas to fill your bedroom with indoor plants no matter what situation you have! 

Macrame Hanger

Creating Space in Small Bedrooms for Plants

If you’re in an apartment or dorm space, you may have to utilize your headspace for plants. Whether big or small, there is a plant for you! 

Like our Lipstick plant and Sweet Heart Vine adorned around macrame hangers, our hanging baskets make a perfect grouping against a corner wall. Hang in odd numbers to get the tall plant effect for your room and stagger them at different heights for more appeal. You could also use a symmetrical look and hang a plant table on each side of the bed in place of a side table. For easy access, get a rod with a hook on the end to easily take them down to water and maintain them. 

Utilize wall space not only for your favorite photograph but use wall hanging planters to green the wall and clean the air while you sleep. The Pothos Pearl Jade is variegated and will complement the English Ivy Deep Green Ripple. If you have open shelving, use similar pots in the same color and display them throughout the shelving to unify the grouping.

Window ledges and bay windows make a perfect spot for your bright light-required plants. Situate them around a comfy chair to snuggle with on a rainy evening with a good book before bed. If you have a narrow corner with not much room, a tall, skinny plant like our Futura Superba Snake Plant could fit nicely out of traffic and will tolerate low light conditions too! 

Bedroom Plants for Large Spaces

If you have a large armoire or dresser, a voluptuous plant like our colorful Lemon Lime Dragon Tree can go on top of the piece and drip over the sides for a Bohemian style. Vines like California Ivy and lacy ferns like Maidenhair Fern (Pet Friendly) evoke a little romance scattered around the room on window sills, bed tables, and hangers. 

Placing a large ficus to scale in the corner of the room beside a chair can give the room a more comfy feel and anchor the sitting area around it. Adding a few potted plants in a grouping at different heights (try our bundles!) will make a lovely vignette close by to a window. Remember always to open your blinds and curtains during the day so your plants will get full advantage of the light for photosynthesis. Adding humidifiers to the room will help your plant and help you sleep better at night in winter months when the air is much drier. 

Larger spaces can often lose the intimacy we crave. To stabilize this feeling, create a few terrariums near a seating area to make a mini-landscape. You can also create spaces and hangers for air plants with scenes that you could dream about at night! Add sand or rocks to a clear jar, add a few seashells and your epiphytic plant, and it can mimic a sea creature or underwater sea world. 

After adding plants to your bedroom, you’ll notice better sleep and humidity levels increase. That’s always good for your skin too! It’s like a beauty treatment mixed in the greenery! So try out these suggestions, shoot us a picture on one of our social media channels, and tag us with #bedroomplantmakeovers! Remember, you can always make a room lively with a plant! 

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